"Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust"

In the year passing under the motto "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust", on the basis of the plan of the Department of Culture of the Akhal region, there was held the creative song and musical festival/meeting named "Inspiration of Our Independence" in the House of Culture of the city of Anev of the Ak-Bugday district dedicated to the the glorious 30th anniversary of our Independence. At the solemn event, an exhibition of the sacred books of our Esteemed President, as well as of various specialized works was organized by the Library of the Akhal region. The meeting was attended by a resident of the village of Mane of the Kaka district, tenant Tazegul Rejepmyradova and Gulayym Allamyradova, librarian of the Akhal regional library. The main goal of this meeting is to express with their poetic lines the sincere pride of the the year passed under the motto "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust". During the ceremony, Gulshohre Orazsahedova, a talented singer of the Culture Center of the Akhal region, sang a song about our Esteemed Arkadag and our Motherland with her sweet voice, and thanks to the participation of cultural and art workers, the meeting was passed in the enthusiastic atmosphere. At the end of the creative meeting, the participants wished that prosperity would always accompany the creative affairs and initiatives of our Respected Arkadag.