«Türkmenistan — parahatçylygyň we ynanyşmagyň Watany»

In the prosperous period of our sovereign state, in the year celebrated under the slogan "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust" under the auspices of the Head of State, the great contribution to the prosperous and prosperous future of peace, harmony, unity and friendship on Earth. In our Sarahs district, the rich meaning of the New Year's Eve event, dedicated to the New Year's Eve celebration, was filled with music. During the festivities, performances by folklore and dance groups "Sarahs Patterns" and the music of the singers were heard loudly. Sarahs District Librarians Berdiniyazova Gulshohle and Amangeldiyeva Gurbansoltan congratulated the New Year and expressed their heartfelt condolences with the lines of poetry. They gave heartfelt applause to our Honorable President, who feeds every day, our life, our time on weddings.