«Türkmenistan — parahatçylygyň we ynanyşmagyň Watany»

In the year announced by our Esteemed president, dear Arkadag as the year of motto "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust", on the basis of the plan there was held the creative song and musical festival/meeting dedicated to the year of "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust" in the Culture Center of the Department for Culture of the Bakharden district. At the solemn event, an exhibition of the sacred books of our Esteemed President, as well as of various specialized works was organized by the Library of the Culture Center of the Bakharden district. At the meeting, GulbakharGummadova, the librarian the Library of the Culture Center of the Bakharden district, expressed with poetic lines her sincere pride of the year under the motto "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust". During the ceremony, employees of the musical collective of the Culture Center of the Bakharden district, musicians of the folklore group of the Bakharden district, as well as singers of the Group of the folk musical instruments at the Culture Center of the Bakharden district , with their music and songs expressed their deep gratitude to our esteemed President for the the excellent opportunities created by him for representatives of culture and art field, and also sang political and folk songs on development of our country.