«Türkmenistan — parahatçylygyň we ynanyşmagyň Watany»

In the Year of Turkmenistan - the Motherland of Peace and Trust, great efforts are being made in the field of culture through the unprecedented efforts of our esteemed President. The event was organized by the staff of the Ship Village Rural House of Culture of Ak Bugday District Culture Department under the title “Fine Art of Embroidery”. At the event, the young women were introduced to the details of the embroidery tradition from our parents, its subtle secrets, its features, and continued with their music. The main purpose of this event is to improve the skills of handicrafts and to develop ancient embroidery among our young women. The hero plays an important role in the upbringing of our Arkadag generation, in developing the level of patriotism, literacy and civilization of the citizens. It is aimed at perpetuating our ancient art, perfecting generations and cultivating it as a scientifically-educated, patriotic, inspiring, broad-minded, highly educated, healthy-spirited, professionally educated and modern generation. May the life of our Hero Arkadag, who cares deeply for the prosperity of our national culture in the prosperous period of our sovereign state, always live a prosperous life and prosper for the good of the nation!