There are 6 types of almonds growing in our country: with a smooth stem, with many short branches, without thorns, with a red-brown bark. The healing tree blooms early and requires a lot of light The healing fruit of the almond is its nut. Sweet almond nut is pleasant to tastes, nut of bitter almond tastes slightly bitter and is odorless. Nuts contain 60.47% of oil, 7.80% of carbohydrates, 23.30% of protein. It also contains glycosides, amygdalin, hematin, benzaldehyde and cynilic acid, vitamin B2, about 20 types of protein substances and sucrose. The positive effect of milk made from sweet almond nuts with extract of bitter nut has been proven to treat intestinal upset. Almond oil is a laxative and skin softener. Bitter almond extract relieves cramps. Sucrose in of the plant helps to strength the internal organs, and improves brain function, has a positive effect on vision, softens the throat. Extract of almond nuts is useful for pulmonary diseases, bloody vomiting and for the bladder, helps to increase potency and overall strengthening of the body. It is recommended to eat about 100-150 grams of almonds daily.