There are 12 species of this medicinal plant in the world, in Turkmenistan - 1. Chicory blooms and bears fruit in May-July. Propagated by seeds. It likes to grow in soils rich in dry and rotted earth. Often grows along roadsides, around fields, in foothills, in valleys and near springs. Enough supplies for medicinal purposes. The country can harvest 10-15 tons of raw materials per year. The plant is also cultivated. The root and grass of the plant serve as raw materials for medicinal purposes. Its roots should be harvested in autumn or early spring. Chicory root contains a large amount of inulin, B1, vitamin C, choline, sugar and juice. All its parts contain a milky juice rich in bitter substances. Herbs are widely used in folk medicine. Made from its roots and flowers, the medicine relaxes the central nervous system and helps the heart to function normally. In addition, chicory root is used as a detoxifier, in the treatment of kidney pain, abdominal pain, anemia and diabetes. It is also recommended for those who suffer from epilepsy, constipation, increased nervous tension, mental illness, anxiety. It is also used as a cleanser and metabolic regulator. With skin diseases (with rashes, abscesses), chicory helps well. For medicinal purposes, it is more useful to use wild-type chicory, as it contains many bitter substances. Dried and crushed grass and plant roots are boiled and filtered.