Novruz - is a holiday of friendship and brotherhood

As President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized in his festive Address to the people, this holiday, which has firmly entered the life of not only Turkmens, but also all eastern peoples, has become a celebration of peace, humanism, friendship and brotherhood. Being a symbol of rebirth, flowering and renewal, Novruz unites peoples, uniting them and developing trusting relationships. Good-neighbourliness, mutually beneficial ties, trust in each other are the basic principles of Novruz. The main events of this day took place in the capital on the banks of the Karakum River, where an impromptu town has spread its possessions, recreating in basic details the Turkmen traditional way of life with colorful rituals. Here, behind the symbolic gates, a large Turkmen village built with yurts, trestle beds, farmsteads with domestic animals, smoking cauldrons harmoniously connected with the oriental bazaar with its flowery trading tents, lively barkers and artists who amuse the people. The magnificent and joyful Turkmen toy in honor of Novruz sounded with jubilant melodies, sparkled with the colors of a spring rainbow.