«Berkarar döwletiň täze eýýamynyň Galkynyşy döwründe ilatyň saglygyny goramak»

Our esteemed Prtsident Serdar Berdimuhamedov in his speech “Health of our people is the highest value of the state and society” points the importance of caring for health of the nation disease prevention, improving the domestic healthcare system and the medical industry in the Revival of the new epoch of a Powerful state. Evidence of this reality is the speech of the Head of our state during his inauguration as president. On that historic day our Esteemed President noted that he would do everything to ensure for fundamental reforms in the healthcare sector took place in the country aimed at protecting the health of the country’s population, modern compleхes of medical centers, new medical and recreational compleхes would be built and epuipped with modern medical epuipment to ensure our medicine confidently reached the level of international standards. In the epoch of Renaissance we are grateful to our Esteemed President for his confident steps to modernize and improve the national healthcare system for the development prosperity of the medical sphere.