«Türkmenistan — parahatçylygyň we ynanyşmagyň Watany»

The Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan, in Renaissance and Prosperity age, successfully completes the year “Turkmenistan is the Motherland of peace and trust”. Every day of our Independent, permanently Neutral Turkmenistan is a holiday and a celebration. In accordance with the "Program of socio-economic development of the country for the period of 2019-2025” of Esteemed President, the economic development of our state has reached a new qualitative level, increased industry competitiveness, as well as actions are being taken to improve industry efficiency. The modifications in the agricultural sector are also yielding positive results. An another wonderful holiday took place in the Cotton Gin Plant (ginnery) of Altyn Asyr City of Tejen District on November 7th, 2021 – in other words a Harvest festival was held. The gala celebration in honor of the rich harvesting, which became the fruit of the annual labor of our farmers, turned into a holiday, which is celebrated in every corner of our country. The performance of artists, and people of art at this holiday gave this event a joyful and solemn mood. The people, who took a part in this holiday, expressed kind words of gratitude to the Esteemed Leader.