«Türkmenistan — parahatçylygyň we ynanyşmagyň Watany»

As a result of a reasonable, forward-looking domestic and foreign policy pursued by the Esteemed President, reforms aimed at the rapid development of our country in the socio-economic, cultural - humanitarian spheres, the glory of our Motherland is growing, and our economic power is strengthening. In the Year of “Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust”, employees of the Ahal region committee of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan also took part in activities aimed at developing the political and public life of our country, further improving society and promoting the importance of our Independence in our lives. At the solemn meeting on “Peace and trust - the two-fold wing of our happy life” organized by the Hakimlik of the Ahal region together with the Committee of the Ahal region of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan, there were significant speeches related to the domestic and foreign policy of humanitarian, peace-loving principles of our people, conducted by our Esteemed President.