Little humorists in kindergardens

In education system of Ahal region, in “Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust” year, in order to foster love for the Motherland, for our people, for the President of our Independent and Permanently Neutral Land, for identifying capable, talented little humorists who can speak cleanly and correctly, on January 23, among the kids brought up in kindergartens at the region level, a contest "Little humorists" was held, in which kids who became winners from kindergardens of districts and Tejen took part, competed among themselves, expressing their heartfelt pride for high goals with their children's hearts achieved by the swiftness of a horse in the Epoch of power and happiness of state, showing their skills, abilities and skills, in the quick and correct reading of the learned rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters, jokes in images. As a result, the winners among children were the kids of the creche-kindergarden №20 of Gokdepe district.