Towards Sports and Health!

Today, thanks to the unparalleled efforts of our esteemed President, every day of our happiness is nourished by historical events. In order to raise the sports prestige of the Turkmen state and promote the sport of cycling among the younger generation in the Year of the era of with Arkadag the sport boarding training school for young Olympians of Akhalregion - as well as coaches - teachers and high school athletes in the region.There is a regular campaign to explain the history of sports, the work being done in the development of cycling in our country. A number of activities were also carried out by the officials of the Akhalregion General Directorate of Sports and Youth Policy, as well as the cycling activities and cycling events to be held during the World Health Day on April 7 and 2022. An example of this is the morning physical training exercise, which was held in April with the participation of students, athletes and coaches-teachers of the sports boarding training school for young Olympians in Akhalregion, which was held on April 3, 2022 in AkBugday district neither the demonstration performances in front of the sports school in the village of Yzgant in the Gokdepe district of Akhal region on April 4, nor the demonstration performances on various sports on the 7th from the beginning of the territory of Akhal region of Archabil Avenue, the demokrations on the bike ride and various sports was completed in front of the sports school in Akbugdaydistrict, lokalet at the intersection of BakyBitarap Turkmenistan Akhal Street in Akbugday district.