«Halkyň Arkadagly zamanasy»

Under the wise and far-sighted leadership of our esteemed President, the sports school of the Bakharden etrap, which is attached to the main department of sports and youth policy of the Ahal velayat, is carrying out long-term work to improve the health of our younger generation, as well as to widely preach physical culture and sports among young people for the development of physical culture and public sports in our country, bringing Turkmen sports to the world level, as well as the formation of a physically and spiritually healthy young generation. According to the temporary structure of “sports events, training sessions and meetings planned by the ministry of Sports and youth policy of Turkmenistan”, chess training sessions, which is the Turkmen national game, are being conducted at a high pace in the building of the sports school. The athletes participating in the training sessions are preparing for the upcoming state and international competitions in our country.