Students got acquainted with the rich historical values

In the period of power and happiness of the sovereign state, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov, the economy, politics, culture, science and education of our country are undergoing great development. Achievement by people of new and new milestones in its development also assign urgent challenges for the education system. One of these most important tasks is to educate a young generation with a modern education brought up in accordance with high moral principles and devoted to the homeland, the dear President. The organization of educational trips with schoolchildren to many historical monuments, history museums, local history museums, school museums and work in groups is of great importance in educating young people who are loyal to the esteemed President. According to the plan of actions for the year “Turkmenistan is the Homeland of Peace and Trust”, in order to study cultural heritage and its wide advocacy among young people in the period of power and happiness of the sovereign state, excursions to the National Museum "Ak bugdaý" named after the Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi were organized with the participation of students in grades 10-11 of Akbugday etrap, to the sections of “Archeology”, “Anthropology” and “Period of power and happiness of the sovereign state” of Museum “Ak bugdaý”. During the trip, the youth people learned about the rich historical treasures stored in the museum. The finds and valuable information reflecting the rich traditions of our ancestors’ crop farming, the proud past of the ancient land of Anau, all this made a great impression on the young people. Much more interest was aroused by the finds that had recently arrived at the museum. Specialists of the museum told the youngsters interesting things about the new finds. This, in turn, aroused pleasant emotions and spirited the schoolchildren. Historical and local history museums, enriched with new meaning at the period of the power and happiness of the sovereign state, serve as a model school for educating the younger generation.