Nardivanly Village and Caravanserai

The monument is located south of Sarahs, in a difficult to reach area - between mountain passes. It is a monument belonging to the IX-XIII centuries. In 1991, senior scientific officer Sviridenko conducted research in the monument. The village of Nardivanly is located in a stream with a total area of ​​10 ha. The houses with a height of 1-1.5 m are built from the mountain by dry method. Apart from the houses, there is also a stone caravanserai. It is located in the place where the Gezgadik spring is difficult to reach. The fact that the caravanserai was built here suggests that a busy trade route passed here in the Middle Ages. It is a rectangular structure with a large courtyard in the middle. On the north and west side of the caravanserai there are remains of heavily destroyed constructions.